Which paper is best suited for my needs?

welche Papierqualität eignet sich wann am besten

At some stage this question has surely crossed the mind of anybody who placed an order at a print shop. Everytime you are asked the same question about the desired paper quality to fit your job. There is a wide range of different paper qualities for any kind of event to fit your brochure, flyer or poster. In this article you will learn which paper is suited best for your job.

Uncoated paper (FSC mix)
This uncoated stock contains eucalyptus fibres and comes in a high quality opacity. It is most suitable for digital and offset printed jobs as well as for personalized products.

Satin coated paper (FSC Mix)
If you require high quality promotional material like for example a brochure, a cataloge, an invitation, printed on our offset press, we recommend the satin coated paper. This paper has got maximum smoothness surface and gives your product a superb look and feel.

Gloss coated paper (FSC Mix)
If you want your product to stand out through excellent picture reproduction we recommend the gloss coated paper. Additionally, a UV high gloss varnish or a drip-off effect gives your product an excellent look. Most suitable for promotional material, the cover of a brochure or even for posters.

Recycling uncoated paper (100% recycling)
The choice of printing on recycling paper reflects your consideration of our environment. This kind of paper is quite popular for printing flyer and place mats.

Cast coated paper (FSC Mix)
The peculiarity is the high-gloss coat on one side and an uncoated reverse. All images, in either in 4 colour or in Black and White will shine even more. Due to the rigidity of this paper this is an ideal choice for postcards , invitations, presentation folders and greeting cards. The cast coated front of this paper is extremly well-suited for a UV-high-gloss varnish or drip-off finishing.

If you’d like to check out your paper stock options, please fell free to ask for a paper collection sample book.


sample book